Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Aliases

When I called home from Israel, for some reason the caller ID always registered a different name. Among them:
John Mort, John Sbonik, Maria Caldero, Paula Collins, Veronica Garza, Mary Dowling, Jeffrey Smith, Terry Nowak, Janell Robinson, Anthony Tomasze, Jim Legault, Nichole Phillips, Kristine Blackman, Domenique Gwin, Joann Berdelman and last but not least... Subway.


Anonymous said...

Since I'm your one and only loyal reader who isn't a blood relative, do I get to choose which of the above is your new name?

Anonymous said...

When I got phone calls it only said "Restricted" which is not as cool a name as Vanessa or Tomas. It is a little bit better than subway.

Andrea said...

Avi, clearly you are not my only loyal reader who is not a blood relative. In fact, I am fairly certain that this "anonymous" is actually an alias for a Reform rabbi you also know and love. So there. I'd trust her to choose a name....

Anonymous said...

Well, if that's the case, do I have to choose from the list? Because I'm feeling partial to Beulah right now.

Andrea said...

the list is clearly not exhaustive. Beulah would be ok, I suppose :)

Anonymous said...

Whatever you say, Ms. Gwin.